Want to check out ork klans?
Want to check out the best most orkiest ork?


The Orks are a biologically-engineered species, created more than 60 million
Terran years ago as a warrior race originally called the Krork by the long-vanished
reptilian alien species known as the Old Ones, whom the Orks refer to
as the Brain Boyz.

The Orks, also called Greenskins, are a savage, warlike, green-skinned species
of bestial, asexual humanoids who are spread all across the galaxy. They are
unique among the intelligent xenos species known to Mankind in that they
possess the physiological features of both animals and fungi.

Greenskins are one of the most dangerous alien races to plague the galaxy.
Numerous beyond belief and driven always to fight and conquer, the Orks
threaten every single intelligent species of the galaxy.